About Us
As families also on the dyslexia journey, we bring authenticity and offer the opportunity to experience books in a new and interactive way.
A monthly subscription box to increase confidence that includes:
- interactive experiences with hand-picked books
- new minimal reading games and family activities that focus and celebrate individuals strengths
- alternative methods of reading to minimize the struggle
- ways to motivate, connect with, enjoy, and celebrate your amazing children
We've been on life's journey together since we were college roommates more than 20 years ago. After many years and military moves later, we unexpectedly reconnected back in Ohio at our eldest children's preschool Ice Cream Social...and now, in the blink of an eye, they're teenagers. Along with their younger middle and elementary-aged siblings, we continue to navigate through life's twists and turns together.
Like one-in-five other families, we too are impacted on a daily basis by dyslexia.
We discovered too many years into our parenting journey, that many of the struggles our children face are common traits of dyslexia...even though we didn't know to identify it as dyslexia through those earlier years.
The formal dyslexia identification finally gave us a framework to work within, and a common vocabulary to find the right outside help and resources. Together we have over 25 years of experience finding innovative ways to help with daily homework, teaching how to do and keep up with daily chores and tasks, creating meaningful connections during family game nights while keeping in mind the varying levels of abilities, and building on our children's strengths to bolster them through the many rough patches along the way.
From the morning celebratory coffee meet-ups to the late-night 504 and IEP strategy phone calls, we can't imagine traveling this path alone without each other.
Although this path can be rocky, it can be made easier when we journey together.
You too are not alone!
Dyslexia Together is for all of us...where we Journey Together.
What is Dyslexia Together?
Dyslexia Together is built on the foundation that there is a need for a family-focused business dedicated to bringing real-life, everyday solutions, connecting families who are impacted by dyslexia as well as stopping and celebrating the often hard-won victories along the way. We uniquely understand daily family experiences, the things that go on behind the scenes- the strengths, the joys and struggles of dyslexia, and their impact on the whole family.
We are excited to journey together with the Dyslexia Community, sharing our collective voices as parents, grandparents, caregivers, teachers, and administrators across districts, professions, backgrounds, expertise, and experiences knowing together, we can build bridges over current gaps.
At Dyslexia Together we believe both our shared experiences and our differences, will make us stronger as a whole.
We hold on to the belief that as we all know better, we do better.
Dyslexia Together is our way of doing better.
Join us!
-Abby & Christin
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